SIP-adus Workshop 2021
09. – 10. November 2021 Virtual Conference
PEGASUS Family Presentation: VVM – Towards a comprehensive framework for AD safety ensurance
SIP-adus Workshop has been progressing with great momentum since 2014 as a forum where many automated driving experts in the areas of R&D and Service Implementation get together from all over the world to exchange their expertise and enrich their network.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the format change to a web-based conference for the 2020 Workshop allowed for the largest number of participants from Japan and overseas to attend a SIP Workshop to date.
In 2021, the 8th SIP-adus Workshop will also be held online. This year’s program will include an opening session and plenary sessions with eight different themes. The plenary sessions will include international speakers who will present the latest on their respective policies, initiatives and projects. Additionally, experts can join a Breakout Workshop on-site to discuss and exchange opinions on each theme.
Details will be announced on this website, so please check for frequent updates.